The Model Lease

The Model Lease is formatted to be easy to use and understand by both landlords and tenants. Philadelphia requires certain additional disclosures -- which we've collected here -- that should accompany the lease.

Click here to view the Model Lease translated into non-English languages.

Or fill out and download the filled lease PDF below
(click on the download button that shows up once you start typing in the form fields or click the three dots next to the hour glass):

The Model Lease

Translations of the Model Lease

Download PowerPoint and PDF versions of the Model Lease in commonly-spoken languages.

Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt

Thank you to Hau Le, Penn LLM ’23 for creating this translation!

Arabic / اللغة العربية 

Thank you to Hend Alballaa, Penn LLM ’23 for creating this translation!

Spanish / Español

Thank you to Juan Ovalle, Penn LLM ’23 for creating this translation!

Mandarin / 官話 / 官话

Thank you to Lingyi Lin, Penn LLM ’23 for creating this translation!

Russian / Русский

Thank you to Veronika Bazhenova, Penn LLM ’23 for creating this translation!

Portuguese / Português

Thank you to Marcela Castilhos, Penn LLM ‘23 for creating this translation!