Translations of the Model Lease
Download PowerPoint and PDF versions of the Model Lease in commonly-spoken languages.
Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt
Thank you to Hau Le, Penn LLM ’23 for creating this translation!
Arabic / اللغة العربية
Thank you to Hend Alballaa, Penn LLM ’23 for creating this translation!
Spanish / Español
Thank you to Juan Ovalle, Penn LLM ’23 for creating this translation!
Mandarin / 官話 / 官话
Thank you to Lingyi Lin, Penn LLM ’23 for creating this translation!
Russian / Русский
Thank you to Veronika Bazhenova, Penn LLM ’23 for creating this translation!
Portuguese / Português
Thank you to Marcela Castilhos, Penn LLM ‘23 for creating this translation!